Most of us with gender dysphoria dream of going to sleep and waking up in the correct body.  But, more and more there are those
who choose not to have SRS (Sex reassignment surgery) or GRS (Gender confirming Surgery).

While we dream of being in the right bodies, our gender IS in our minds, it is our Soul and it is what defines us, our self identity.   
We don’t need the surgery to prove to ourselves who we are. We know who we are and as such if a transgendered individual elects
to not have the surgery, that in no way changes the fact of who we are or how we should be treated or addressed.

Not all of us can afford GCS or have the courage to go under the knife.  We are still human beings and deserve the right to live a life
free of harassment and fear.

For those of you that wish to have the surgery then please read on.  There is a lot of information here and it is not always easy to
find a doctor you want. Don't be in a hurry, just to get the surgery done. Take time and research your decision carefully.  There are
many things to consider. As you gather information on doctors and the surgeries they do, you should also speak to patients who
have actually had the surgery from that surgeon.  Things to consider should include, appearance, function, sensitivity, letters from
your psychologist, any health problems you currently have, after care help, travel, as well as cost.

Surgery on your genitals is a major surgery and can take time to heal properly.

One suggestion, is research, make a plan, eat well, get healthy and get your body ready for surgery, so it will heal fast and you will
get a with good results.

Types of Surgeries Available
FFS - Facial Feminization Surgery
SRS/GCS - Sex Reassignment Surgery or Gender Confirming Surgery
Breast Augmentation - MTF
Mastectomy- FTM

List of Surgeons - pdf
(Download now)

Sex Reassignment Surgeons for FTM - online
Transgendered  Soul
Thank you for visiting the Transgendered Soul Website!!

The TGS gives only general information relating to transition for individuals with gender disphoria or
Intersexed condition.  We are not responsible for what the individual does with that information.  We do
Not suggest any results from the information provided here.  Our purpose is to offer resources and
encouragement to individuals suffering with these conditions in hopes of connecting them with resources
useful to them and all aspects of their transition.  
The TGS will be held harmless from any results an Individual gets from a provider or information located on this site.  Transgendered Soul (TGS) does
not engage in the practice of medicine or psychology, is not a medical or psychological authority, and does not claim medical or psychiatric knowledge.
TGS recommends that you consult your own physician and psychologist regarding any course of treatment or medication.
There are links to other web sites in various places through out our web site. TGS is not responsible for
the content of other websites reached from links on our website.
Use of this site and its information constitutes an agreement to these terms.
Welcome to our Surgery Page. Here you will find a list the various types of surgeries available, a pdf of surgeons you can
download, and a bit of friendly advice.
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